13 Things That Are Ruining Your Hormones


Standard cleaning and beauty products are full of endocrine-disrupting chemicals and overwhelm our detox pathways. Across a span of cosmetics, makeup, toothpaste, and shampoo, to items ranging from household cleaners to food items. Hundreds of potentially harmful ingredients banned in the EU are legally allowed in the US. In cosmetics alone, the EU has banned or restricted more than 1,300 chemicals while the US has outlawed or curbed just 11. Parabens, linked to reproductive problems, again banned in the EU but not the US, remain in skin and hair products. I recommend phasing out products to non-toxic alternatives. I love doTERRA for cleaning and BeautyCounter for makeup and Clearstem for skincare.


Tap water contains its own potential hormone disruptors, including residue from birth control pills and other pharmaceuticals that have been flushed. Tap water in most U.S. cities is considered 'safe to drink', but EPA standards on when tap water is unsafe to drink haven't been updated in about twenty years. Check the Environmental Working Group’s Tap Water Database and see what’s in your water. I recommend switching to a Berkey water filter or a reverse osmosis system to decrease the level of endocrine-disrupting chemicals.


The word fragrance (parfum, perfume, eau de parfum)  on a label signifies a mix of potentially hundreds of ingredients, and the exact formulas of most companies are considered “trade secrets”. Phthalates, a class of chemicals typically found in fragrance, are especially harmful to hormones. These chemicals are known as xenoestrogens and can cause hormonal imbalance and estrogen dominance. It can also lead to excess estrogen in males causing breast tissue growth, decreased testosterone, and sperm production. I recommend choosing fragrance-free personal care items, cleaning products, and laundry detergents. Make sure to check ingredient labels to find out where else fragrance lurks; it can show up in unexpected places you wouldn’t even think would have it. For safer ways of freshening your indoor air, try using products that remove the scents instead of covering them up. A good quality air filter can remove odors along with other allergens and toxins in the air. You can also turn to natural odor-busters like doTERRA essential oils to fragrance your home, clothes, and products. 


Soy is one of the most highly pesticide-laden crops grown in the U.S. Soy contains a high concentration of isoflavones, a type of plant estrogen (phytoestrogen) that is similar to human estrogen but is much weaker. Soy phytoestrogens can bind to estrogen receptors in the body and cause either weak estrogenic or anti-estrogenic effects. 


Enough quality sleep is crucial for maintaining healthy levels of hormones that control appetite and blood glucose levels. According to research "Sleep disturbance, which negatively impacts hormonal rhythms and metabolism, is also associated with obesity, insulin insensitivity, diabetes, hormonal imbalance, and appetite dysregulation. Circadian disruption, typically induced by shift work, may negatively impact health due to impaired glucose and lipid homeostasis, reversed melatonin and cortisol rhythms, and loss of clock gene rhythmicity." For good hormone health women need to be getting 7-9 hours of sleep nightly. I recommend using blue light glasses for daytime and nighttime to minimize the effects of blue light on melatonin production. 


Gluten, dairy, and sugar are huge perpetrators when it comes to messing with hormonal health. They increase inflammation and stress in the adrenal glands and increase susceptibility to autoimmune diseases. These foods can lead to an increase in weight, which in itself triggers hormonal imbalance, and reduces testosterone levels. Processed food items also mess with hormones. Many ready-to-eat meals, packaged, and instant food options are full of preservatives causing havoc on hormonal health. I recommend eating gluten and dairy free and lower in carbs. Many of the food brands I love can be found on Thrive Market.


Those who are chronically stressed are at a higher risk of health problems, including weight gain, high blood pressure, thyroid issues, and higher risks for infection, fatigue, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and gastrointestinal problems. Too much stress also can cause an irregular menstrual cycle and infertility in women, as well as a decreased libido. Try using the Headspace app for guided meditations or laying on this acupressure mat that helps to relieve stress. 


Fruits and vegetables are full of vital nutrients and minerals that are essential for hormone production. Antioxidants neutralize free radical damage triggered by oxidative stress. This is important for skin health and overall cellular function, but it also plays a role in helping maintain healthy hormone levels. Research has shown that free-radical damage wreaks havoc on our thyroid function and pituitary gland. The pituitary gland’s main function is to secrete hormones into your bloodstream.


When we undereat our bodies go into starvation mode. Due to our body’s amazing instinct to survive, it cuts off non-essential functions in order to conserve energy. When eating in a caloric deficit, hormones are one of the first things that get shut off. This can eventually lead to a condition called hypothalamic amenorrhea.


There are studies that show that even one serving of a high-pesticide fruit or vegetable (such as strawberries) has a negative impact on fertility. Many pesticides act as hormone disruptors. It's important to avoid endocrine-disrupting chemicals, especially glyphosate, a very common pesticide.  By eating organic, you can greatly reduce your exposure to glyphosate. When possible, choose organic, grass-fed, free-range, and local meat sources. They can contain less saturated fats and can be less likely to cause an overload of estrogen.


Working out regularly is critical for endocrine health, as it can help balance hormones like cortisol, insulin, thyroid hormones, and sex hormones. It’s important to remember that even little movement throughout the day adds up. Choose to park further away from the store and walk. Opt for a walking desk when working from home. 


 It has been shown that some types of pollutants can actually bind to hormone receptors. If there are other chemicals in our environment that can cross-react or bind to hormone receptors, this can cause problems as your body ends up receiving the wrong signals. Getting an air purifier Like this Air Doctor Air Purifier will get rid of VOCs, allergens, smells, and more. 


A study found that perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) found in water resistant clothes and non-stick pots and pans can affect the body’s hormones including oestrogen, testosterone and cortisol. These hormones are necessary for regulating a number of bodily functions, including our ability to reproduce. The research also discovered similar effects caused by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a group of chemicals that have been banned since the 1970s but continue to persist in the environment. Switching to Non toxic Cookware is essential because when you use conventional non stick cookware, these chemicals are scraped into your food with every use. Cast iron and stainless steel pots and pans are also good alternatives. 


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