Understanding The Root Cause Of PCOS

PCOS can trigger a host of physical symptoms which can be managed effectively with the right support and guidance. The first step of managing your PCOS is understanding what’s going on in your body, what are the symptoms, possible triggers, and how it affects you. 

Remember PCOS symptoms are different for everyone. The journey is different, and the progress is different but you are not alone! You can take control of your PCOS symptoms, you can take charge of your health and your PCOS by making an informed choice to be more aware, step ahead to be more inclined & focused to understand PCOS better. You got this girl!

Knowing the root causes of the symptoms can ease your healing journey rather than just working superficially on a never-ending loophole.

Although the primary cause of PCOS is unknown, PCOS symptoms have been linked to: 

  • Insulin resistance: Insulin resistance is common in women with PCOS and can cause the ovaries to produce more testosterone, leading to symptoms such as acne, hair growth, and irregular periods. The hallmark of insulin resistance is higher circulating levels of insulin, which can hamper the functioning of hormones that are associated with ovarian function & associated with other vital functions

  • Inflammation: Evidence-based research suggests that women with PCOS have higher levels of inflammation markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) which contributes further to insulin resistance. While inflammation is needed to combat infections and heal injuries, low-grade chronic inflammation can cause defects in oocyte quality, resulting in irregular cycles and fertility issues. Chronic inflammation can furthermore be a risk factor for cardiovascular issues, liver issues, and anxiety.

  • Environmental factors: Exposure to certain chemicals found in plastics, your favorite makeup products, pesticides, and other products can disrupt the endocrine system, which is responsible for regulating hormone levels in the body. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals have been shown to increase the risk of PCOS symptoms by interfering with the balance of hormones. Want to reduce your exposure? Check out our favorite low-tox living products found here

  • Obesity: Not all women with PCOS are overweight or obese, obesity is a common risk factor that can exacerbate the symptoms of PCOS. It can lead to insulin resistance, which can disrupt the balance of hormones in the body and contribute to the development of PCOS. In addition, it can cause the body to produce excess estrogen, which can further disrupt the hormonal balance and contribute to the development of PCOS.

  • Stress: Stress is linked as a trigger of PCOS symptoms further elevating issues such as anxiety, brain fog & depression. Stress can trigger the release of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can disrupt the balance of other hormones in the body, may increase insulin resistance, and weight gain, and disrupt your periods.

  • Nutrient deficiencies: Wrong food combinations, poor dietary choices, and skipping meals contribute to a weaker immune system which wreaks havoc on the optimal function of hormones. Furthermore, poor gut health reduces nutrient absorption capacity impacting the gut microbiome which affects the optimal functioning of hormones. 

  • Genetics: It is widely accepted that genetics play a role in the diagnosis of PCOS. Studies show that we can inherit metabolic issues such as pancreatic beta cell dysfunction and insulin resistance and when studying families of patients with PCOS, researchers found increased insulin levels were common among first-degree relatives. And mothers and fathers of PCOS patients have an increased prevalence of glucose intolerance and type-2 diabetes. 

However, the upside is that our diet and lifestyle can positively affect our gene expression. So don’t be discouraged! 

It is important to understand that not all root causes might contribute directly to PCOS. Also, there may be sub-causes like thyroid health issues, sleep apnea, high blood pressure & other health conditions which need to be ruled out to work effectively for your pcos healing journey. It’s crucial to work on your symptoms and progress ahead with a personalized action plan as per guidance by a qualified health professional.

Your PCOS diagnosis doesn’t have to weigh you down, love. You can thrive with PCOS and it starts with managing it with easy strategies! If you want to experience PCOS success and are ready to take control of your health, this program is without a doubt the best option available. You will gain the clarity and confidence you need to thrive with PCOS.

To work with one of our team providers to get a better understanding of your PCOS and get a custom health plan in place, check out our service options here. 

You don’t have to suffer from PCOS forever, and you don’t have to go through your healing journey alone.


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