Ritual vs. Female Formulations Comprehensive Prenatal Multivitamin: What is the best prenatal supplement?

If you are preparing for conception or currently pregnant, it’s vitally important to have a high-quality prenatal vitamin to ensure the health of both baby and mama.


Did you know, whether or not you’re taking a prenatal, your baby will get the necessary nutrients by pulling them from your bones. During pregnancy, your body acts as a bank for calcium and other minerals, so if you aren’t nourishing with a proper prenatal, your babe will extract them from your bone tissue to provide for the it’s needs. This process can lead to a decrease in bone density for the mother which could lead to problems like osteopenia or osteoporosis.

Don’t let this scare you into driving to the nearest CVS and scavenging the aisles for the cheapest prenatal.

Prenatal supplements are not created equally.

When comparing prenatal supplements, it's crucial to consider the nutrient content and quality. You may have seen Instagram ads for popular prenatals and while they may be aesthetically pleasing and taste yummy with the addition of synthetic essences, let’s get to what really matters inside a prenatal supplement.

Let’s compare the Ritual Essential Prenatal Multivitamin and the Female Formulations Complete Prenatal Multi:

Ritual Essential Prenatal Multivitamin

Key Ingredients:

  • Folate: 1000 mcg DFE (600 mcg folic acid)

  • Omega-3 DHA: 350 mg

  • Vitamin D: 2000 IU

  • Iron: 18 mg

  • Magnesium: 32 mg (dimagnesium malate)

  • Iodine: 150 mcg (potassium iodine)

  • Vitamin B12: 8 mcg


  • Lacking key ingredients like Vitamin A, B1, B6, B5, Selenium, Zinc, Calcium, and Potassium

  • Under-dosed ingredients


  • Vegan-friendly

  • Non-GMO

  • Major allergens free

  • Delayed-release capsules

  • Mint or citrus essence for reduced nausea


PCOS Doc Complete Prenatal Multi

Key Ingredients:

  • Folate (L-5-MTHF): Biologically active form

  • Vitamin D: 4000 IU

  • Magnesium: 350 mg (magnesium biglycinate)

  • Choline: 900 mg

  • CoQ10: 50 mg

  • Inositol: 500 mg

  • No iron included

    • Some women do not process iron well or do not need iron supplementation. If you do need iron supplementation, we recommend an easily absorbable option like this. 


  • 22 key ingredients for mama & baby

  • Therapeutic dose of magnesium

  • Added inositol for blood sugar balance and healthy egg quality

  • High doses of choline for brain development (more than any prenatal on the market)

  • Methylated B vitamins for better absorption

  • Iodine and Selenium for thyroid support

  • Additional ingredients for antioxidant, blood sugar and fertility support (Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, Selenium, CoQ10, Folate, Inositol)

So what’s the verdict?

The Female Formulations by the PCOS Doc Complete Prenatal Multi offers a more comprehensive formulation with higher doses of critical nutrients like Vitamin D and Choline, which are essential for cognitive development and overall health during pregnancy. It also includes specialized ingredients such as Inositol that provides added benefits for those with PCOS or blood sugar concerns. While the Ritual Essential Prenatal focuses on essential vitamins and minerals, the quantity of vitamins is not nearly enough to properly supplement mama and baby, plus the quality of vitamins included are not in the most optimal form.

What makes Female Formulations different?

Vitamin A is included in two forms: beta-carotene and retinyl palmitate, to help support those who have trouble converting “provitamin A” compounds (such as beta-carotene) into the active retinyl/retinol forms. Vitamin C and coenzyme Q10 provide antioxidant support, supporting a healthy immune system and cellular integrity. This product also contains L-5-MTHF, the most biologically available form of folate, plus a 900 mg clinical dose of choline which is essential to support healthy cognitive development:

Choline is an essential nutrient that's critical for fetal development and brain health during pregnancy. It's involved in many physiological processes, including neural tube formation, tissue expansion, membrane biosynthesis, and gene expression. Choline also influences stem cell proliferation and apoptosis, which can alter the structure and function of the brain and spinal cord. 

The recommended amount of choline for pregnant women is 450 milligrams (mg) per day, but most pregnant women in the U.S. don't get enough. Choline is found in many foods, including eggs, lean red meat, fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, and cruciferous vegetables. You can also get choline through supplements.

Even if you aren’t pregnant or looking to conceive, the Complete Prenatal Multi may also be taken as a potent and pure multivitamin.


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